Could Spring Be in the Air Soon?

Hello everyone! One way to brighten your days is to take on a new challenge! For 2022, the Green Initiatives Committee has developed a series of monthly challenges to help us all make some simple changes for a “greener” lifestyle. We are hoping that some of our ideas will interest you, because lots of us […]

Sustainable Steps to Build On

There is no time like the present to start living a more sustainable and greener lifestyle. Maybe you have been thinking of changing things up this year and are ready to take the plunge. Or maybe changing things up feels daunting. There are lots of things to learn and deciding where to start can feel […]

Resolve to Examine Solar this Year

Happy New Year! Did you know that southern Alberta is one of the sunniest locations in Canada, and therefore it has the highest solar potential? Is solar energy something you have considered for your home or in the community? In the spirit of new year’s resolutions, the Green Initiatives Committee thought it might be a […]

Happy Baking & Cooking!

With the colder weather and shorter days, baking seems like a perfect hobby! There’s nothing like those pleasing smells, and having the oven on helps keep your kitchen warmer! Here are some thoughts on the subject. If you realize you bought too much milk and might not use it by the expiry date, plan ahead […]

Feast and Reduce Waste Too

Between Thanksgiving feasts and Halloween treats – October is a month filled with excitement.  The Mount Pleasant Green Initiatives Committee sure has a lot to be thankful for in the past year. With our growing group of volunteers, we are hard at work looking at new and exciting initiatives to implement in the community. We […]

Tucking the Garden In

Is it already that time? Are the leaves really changing colour? It is possible that as you read this, we are moving out of summer and into the autumn season. Or, knowing Southern Alberta weather, we could be sunbathing in our yard or lacing up our winter boots. If we do get an autumn season […]

The Sharing (Circular) Economy

Hello Community! All of us from the Mount Pleasant Green Initiatives Committee hope you have been enjoying some sun, relaxation and time with loved ones so far this summer. This month the GIC wants to talk a little bit about sharing economy and why it is so important to a sustainable lifestyle and how we […]

Green Initiatives Committee Survey Results

We asked and you answered! The results from our GIC survey that was launched in January are in and we would like to share them. We would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone that took the time to answer the questions and provide us with valuable feedback.  Now onto the results! […]

Balmoral Circus Traffic Calming

Winter always brings plenty of time indoors and driving to and from where we need to be. However, with spring (hopefully) just around the corner, thoughts can turn towards enjoying the fresh air with bike rides and leisurely walks while going out and about. Did you know that green transportation is one of the Green […]