Balmoral Circus Traffic Calming

Balmoral Circus Traffic Calming

Winter always brings plenty of time indoors and driving to and from where we need to be. However, with spring (hopefully) just around the corner, thoughts can turn towards enjoying the fresh air with bike rides and leisurely walks while going out and about. Did you know that green transportation is one of the Green Initiative Committee’s main areas of focus? We have even seen some changes made in our very own backyard this fall that happens to support that focus.

As you may have (or may not have) seen there has been the implementation of temporary traffic calming measures along 1 Street N.E. and 2 Street N.W., including an expansion of the Balmoral Circus Park. Some of the key measures that are temporarily being used are diagonal diverters, improved pathway connections and speed humps. 

These three traffic calming measures work to reduce vehicle speeds and the volume of traffic while maintaining a safe comfortable travel space for walkers and wheelers. 

Additionally, expanding the Balmoral Circus park area and closing the intersection at 2 Street and 19 Avenue supports green initiatives. This expanded green space reduces volume of vehicles on the street, provides greater access for pedestrians and creates a quiet outdoor community space.

Ultimately implementing traffic calming promotes green transportation by creating a community that is more accessible to walkers and wheelers as there are fewer and slower vehicles on the road. 

The City had an engagement opportunity from Nov 6-Dec 6 regarding these temporary measures and the feedback received will be used to make decisions regarding any permanent installations. Another engagement opportunity is expected this month so keep an eye out for a chance to provide feedback at 

If you want to get involved and be a part of making Mount Pleasant a greener community, we would love to have you join the committee. Please email for more information or if you have any questions. As well please check out our Mount Pleasant Green Initiative Group on Facebook! You can find us on the Mount Pleasant Community Association page. 

Have a great month, 

The MPCA Green Initiatives Committee 

Picture of MPCA Website Manager

MPCA Website Manager

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