The Challenges of Reducing Waste
Hello everyone! One way to brighten your days is to take on a new challenge! For 2022, the Green Initiatives Committee has developed a series of monthly challenges to help us all make some simple changes for a greener lifestyle. We hope some of our ideas interest you, because lots of us making small changes […]
Resolve to Examine Solar this Year
Happy New Year! Did you know that southern Alberta is one of the sunniest locations in Canada, and therefore it has the highest solar potential? Is solar energy something you have considered for your home or in the community? In the spirit of new year’s resolutions, the Green Initiatives Committee thought it might be a […]
Tucking the Garden In
Is it already that time? Are the leaves really changing colour? It is possible that as you read this, we are moving out of summer and into the autumn season. Or, knowing Southern Alberta weather, we could be sunbathing in our yard or lacing up our winter boots. If we do get an autumn season […]
Green Initiatives Committee Survey Results
We asked and you answered! The results from our GIC survey that was launched in January are in and we would like to share them. We would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone that took the time to answer the questions and provide us with valuable feedback. Now onto the results! […]