Letter to Mount Pleasant Residents – 2400 Block

Letter to Mount Pleasant Residents – 2400 Block



I am writing to provide you with the Mount Pleasant Community Association’s (MPCA) perspective on the “2400 Block” on 23 Av and 5 St NW. In late December, the landowner approached us with their proposal for this site, which includes community continued-recovery housing, with the intent to further engage with us and the community.

This is a partnership between Bhomac, Fresh Start, and Baboushkin Design Group (the applicant) – you can find more information on the project website here: 2400block.ca. The applicant has recently applied for a development permit and the MPCA will provide feedback on the specifics of the application. We have also been working directly with the applicant to ensure that our questions and concerns are addressed and to ensure that the community is appropriately engaged moving forward (this includes a virtual open house).

Our understanding is that this application is for a “community continued-recovery housing” facility where abstinence and recovery maintenance is a requirement of housing. In addition, this facility is intended to house those who are post-treatment as well as their families.

How can the community have the most impact on this project?

In 2019, this site was redesignated (zoned) from R-C2 to M-C2 (M-C2 is a multi-residential designation in the developed area that is primarily for 3 to 5 storey apartment buildings) (the MPCA opposed the rezoning application at that time). As the land use (zoning) is already in place, the City of Calgary is unable to consider tenure or those who occupy the building in their considerations at the Development Permit application stage.

Given the zoning (MC-2) now allows for an apartment building, the MPCA via the Planning and Development Committee will have the most impact by working with the applicant to ensure that:

  1. Appropriate engagement is conducted with the community to identify and address relevant questions and concerns. We will be gathering feedback on the proposed development so that we can understand our residents’ concerns and be able to represent them. Please note that at this point, we neither support nor oppose this project.
  2. Fresh Start prepares a mutually agreeable “Good Neighbour Agreement” that addresses concerns the community may have with the use of the building.
  3. The building is of a quality design that is appropriate to the Mount Pleasant context.
  4. We understand the funding model and partnership details that this facility will be built and operated with. Our understanding is that a funding model with various levels of government will be pursued. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to our local government representatives (Councillor, MLA, MP).

Thank you for your interest in our community. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at the email address below or contact the applicant here: https://2400block.ca/contact-us

Planning and Development Director
Alison Timmins
602 – 22nd Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
e : planning@mpca.ca w : www.mpca.ca
Picture of Communications


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