Contextual Dwellings

Contextual Dwellings

Contextual single and semi-detached dwellings are listed as permitted uses in the developed area. In contrast to discretionary applications, contextual dwellings cannot be refused by The City or appealed by the public, so long as the design meets the contextual rules in the Land Use Bylaw. This allows applications to proceed faster and at a lower cost to applicants.

This content can assist in determining if a contextual single detached or contextual semi-detached dwelling is an option for you. It explains the specific rules that pertain to contextual design with references to the Land Use Bylaw 1P2007.

Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 1P2007 section references:

13(50) Developed Area
13(57) discretionary use
13(104) permitted use
170.2 Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling
171 Contextual Single Detached Dwelling

Picture of Engagement


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