Community Connection Spotlight | A Sense of Community

Community Connection Spotlight | A Sense of Community

We’re grateful to share a heartwarming example of community that highlights the power of small acts of kindness. With the holidays approaching, these gestures become even more significant. While it’s easy to focus on challenges, sharing uplifting stories fosters connection among us. Thank you to Maria and family for sharing their experience, and a special thank you to Mr. B for inspiring such a strong sense of community. We’d love to hear more stories like this—small acts can make a big impact!

A Sense of Community

A few weeks ago, my little ones and I were taking a stroll around our neighbourhood when we noticed a bunch of apples on the ground and some very happy magpies munching on them. My kids were concerned that maybe the neighbours didn’t know their apples were falling into the street, so they wanted to let them know.

We knocked on their door, and a kind man answered. After we explained the situation, he was very grateful and recognized us because we had recently moved in nearby. It’s easy to remember us since there aren’t many families with four little children around!

A couple of days later, we found a lovely bag of apples on our porch, along with a thoughtful handwritten note. We were beyond excited by the sweet surprise (and those apples didn’t stand a chance!).

Since moving here last December, we hadn’t had much interaction with our neighbours, and with no family nearby, this gesture meant the world to us. My little ones wanted to thank the neighbour for his kindness and quickly decided to bake cookies and make thank-you cards. It was a touching and innocent display of appreciation that they were eager to work on.

Just a week ago, my 6-year-old had an assignment about community and what it means to her. She drew the picture below, capturing her sense of community through this kind gesture. It’s something we will all remember forever.

We feel so grateful to have met such a wonderful neighbour, and we hope to continue meeting more lovely people as we journey through life. It’s amazing how children easily forget unkindness but never forget a thoughtful act.

Mr. B, if you’re reading this, thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. You are truly an example of what community is all about, and it’s a joy to share this adventure called life with you.

Your neighbours,

Maria, Evie, Avie, Ben, and Ivy

Artwork by Avie
Picture of Communications


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