March 2024 Pulse

Experience the March Digital Edition of Mount Pleasant Pulse! Join the MPCA Bookclub for an evening with Doreen Vanderstoop on March 26th. Secure your spot now! Last chance to enjoy the rink: March 31st.

Household Waste Management Tips

Hello May! One of our focuses on the Green Initiative Committee is Waste Management. We implement tactical ways to redirect waste produced within Mount Pleasant and we work to communicate awareness of recycling and composting programs that are available to the community. This month’s article features a few helpful guides to the waste management options […]

Public Transit Frequency Has Ripple Effect

Transportation is a big deal. You probably don’t think about it every time you leave the house, because you have regular habits for how to get to each destination. For more than 70% of Calgarians, that means getting in a car to go to work. This makes sense, because our choices are shaped by the […]

Climate Action Education in Daily Life

Last year we shared a variety of monthly challenges for you to partake in, to bring a focus on green initiatives into your everyday life. This year the Green Initiatives Committee (GIC) wants to broaden that focus into our community and our city. We want to share with you the successful changes our community and […]

The Challenges of Spring Cleaning

Hello everyone! One way to brighten your days is to take on a new challenge! For 2022, the Green Initiatives Committee has developed a series of monthly challenges to help us all make some simple changes for a greener lifestyle. We hope some of our ideas interest you, because lots of us making small changes […]